From all indicators this event is looking to be another successful event for the ASTT and all trenchless stakeholders.
It is a testament to the trenchless industry that we continue to grow and attract interest in our events. As I have said in previous editions, such events give us various opportunities that we do not have always available.
Exhibiting at the ASTT’s annual event provides companies with the opportunity to showcase their wares – but our exhibition also gives the uninformed potential client the opportunity to learn about existing and up-and-coming trenchless products. It also gives the informed client the chance to hear about the latest products and developments.
The conference program meanwhile provides the opportunity to hear excellent papers on various aspects of the trenchless industry, keeping delegates up to date with local and international developments. These papers are delivered by an array of international keynote speakers and highly regarded local identities from the industry.
As anyone who has already attended an ASTT annual event will attest, the networking opportunities these events provide are many and varied, and in many cases, they prove to be invaluable in generating new business and maintaining ongoing client relationships.
In addition to meeting new people and existing clients, these events also provide the opportunity for competitors and associates to discuss common
issues and matters in an informal setting which can’t always been done within your own company.
It is important to note that in staging events such as No-Dig Down Under 2011, the ASTT itself is also presented with the opportunity to interact with and obtain feedback from its members.
Currently, the ASTT is looking to increase its advocacy role to government and infrastructure owners with regard to the benefits of Trenchless Technology. We welcome members’ suggestions and input in to this and other items, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas in Brisbane.
The opportunities outlined above – for members and for the ASTT itself – are the basis upon which the Society was formed, and it is important that the Society continues to organise and promote the events that foster these opportunities.
As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the ASTT, it is a great opportunity for the trenchless industry to continue to promote itself to the wider community.
Don’t forget that the next International No-Dig will take place in Sao Paulo in Brazil in November 2012. Trenchless is going crazy in this part of the world and this should be an exciting event. Pencil it in if you can.
I look forward to seeing you in Brisbane at No-Dig Down Under 2011.