From the magazine, HDD, Tunnelling

From the ASTT Secretary

Corporate Members – Australia

Gary Miller from GM Microtunnelling

Individual Members – Australia

John Mousellis from Mousellis and
Sons Pty Ltd

Individual Members – New Zealand

Richard Saunders from Blackley Trenchless

Stephen Keenan from Blackley Trenchless

ASTT Councillors Strategic Workshop

Your Councillors attended a Strategic Workshop in Melbourne in early July to discuss the way forward for the ASTT. To those members that supplied ideas to their respective Councillors, I say thank you as we value your input.

The ASTT Business Plan will be available online to view as soon as all the initiatives have been signed off by the ASTT Council.

ASTT Rules and By-Laws Meeting

Held in conjunction with the Strategic Workshop was the inaugural Rules and By-Laws Committee Meeting. This is a follow up to what was agreed upon at the recently held annual general meeting in Perth, in that in accordance with Constitution Rule 10 (a) Alteration of Rules, that there currently was no Rules and By-Laws Committee. This committee consists of Chris Frangos as Chairperson along with Nabil Issa, Steve Apeldoorn, and yours truly. The first action to be looked at by this Committee will involve a review of the ASTT Constitution and in particular item 7 Council, as there has not been a review since inception in 1991.

International No-Dig Sydney 2013

After approximately three years of nonstop promotion by way of talking to potential exhibitors and delegates and continual marketing of the event globally, I am pleased to say that all the preparations are now complete for the Sydney International No-Dig 2013. I am extremely confident that because of this work, every delegate, exhibitor and visitor will thoroughly enjoy what the ASTT and our event partners, Great Southern Press, have put together for us in Sydney.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following people who volunteered their time on the Confer-ence Organising Committee, for without their assistance, especially in the Paper Review component of the Conference, we would have been struggling. These are your Chairman, Trevor Gosatti, Nabil Issa the New South Wales Councillor, Chris Frangos the Victorian Councillor and Lance Horlyck from LJ Horlyck and Associates. Also I want to thank Kate Pemberton from Great Southern Press and her team of around 30 that have worked tirelessly on this event for all of us to enjoy.

ASTT lobbying document

A draft version of the ASTT’s proposed lobbying document is now almost complete and is currently with all Councillors, who are undertaking a thorough review. This document has been some two years in development and will provide a useful tool for when we approach government officials to explain the benefits of Trenchless Technology.

Jeff Pace

ASTT Secretary

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