Trenchless Australasia is calling for sponsors for The Complete Guide to Drill Bits and Tooling 2014 for trenchless projects, an e-guide aimed at those who choose drill bits and tools for major projects.
The e-guide will provide key decision-makers with information to assist them to make the right decision for their upcoming projects.
This online product will be made available for free on Trenchless Australasia’s website and will be marketed extensively to over 13,000 industry touch-points.
Have your company’s logo and contact details in a central source for individuals who choose drill tools for major projects every day.
Sponsors will receive:
- Highlighted listing in the product directory
- Logo on front cover of the guide with click-through to website
- Product in comparative chart
- Featured product in the guide
- EDM to send to your lists with link to e-guide.
Don’t miss out!
Sponsorship opportunities are limited to just five supporters. Take advantage of this opportunity to reach engineers, asset managers, project managers and more, and gain prominence in a free, lifelong resource for the trenchless industry.