
ASTT invited feedback on proposed Constitution updates

In April 2016, all Incorporated Associations in the state were advised by the WA Department of Commerce and Consumer Protection that changes to the updated Associations Act 2015 needed to be implemented by the 1 July 2019.

The changes to the Act effect the ASTT as the society was incorporated in Western Australia.

As a result, a review on the ASTT Constitution was undertaken. This has now been completed.

A draft of the Constitution is now ready for review and comment by the membership based on the changes required by adopting the Model Rule of the Associations Act 2015.

In order see what the proposed changes are, members are invited to take a look at the revised draft Constitution on the ASTT website, with all suggested amendments are shown in red text.

Click here to view the Draft Constitution.

All members are encouraged to review the proposed updated ASTT Constitution and forward any suggested amendments or comments to Secretary Jeff Pace by the end of March 2017.

If there are no significant changes then the draft document will be presented at the next Annual General Meeting on 27 April for endorsement.

For more information contact ASTT Secretary Jeff Pace at jeffpace@astt.com.au

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