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Tunnelling expert expands its fleet

A key capability of the company’s trenchless technology sector is its stock of slurry MTBMs for the installation of DN 150 to DN 1800 pipes, which use a slurry shield system to operate in dry or water charged ground conditions.

Currently, DM Civil is working on a project to tunnel an 80 m section of pipeline under the Mitchell Freeway and Northern Transit Railway Lines in Perth, Western Australia.

In order to cope with the sand and limestone ground conditions, DM Civil proposed using an innovative Iseki TCS 900 Mixed Head MTBM with a DN 900 reinforced concrete jacking pipe to form a casing for the DN 700 mild steel cement lined bore collector pipe, which will be sleeved inside.

The machine was reconfigured with an enlarged cutting head to match the diameter of the jacking pipe, with the workshop and fabrication shop working with the Trenchless Division to build a new cover to house the machine controls.

These changes were an ambitious endeavour given that rock and mixed head machines are not easily altered for different diameter pipe.

The MTBM is the largest slurry shield machine in the fleet, capable of achieving 1,200 mm outside diameter bores.

While the MTBM was disassembled, the workshop made some improvements to the machine to ensure the machine meets the company’s standards.

For more information visit the DM Civil website.

If you have news you would like featured in Trenchless Australasia contact Assistant Editor Chloe Jenkins at

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