Asset management, CIPP, HDD, Installation, Microtunnelling, Newsletter, Pipe jacking, Rehabilitation, Relining, Sliplining, Spiral wound, Utility location, Water

Australasian Trenchless Directory now online

The online directory, which was also distributed earlier in 2019 as a print publication, lists companies involved in the industry in alphabetical order, as well as in groups according to the products and services they offer.

The directory also includes important contact information for organisations such as utilities, municipalities and government departments.

Click here to access the online directory.

Listings in the directory are free and guaranteed for all ASTT members, as well as supporters of Trenchless Australasia magazine.

Companies who advertised in the directory have their listings highlighted with the addition of a company logo as well a description of the business.

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Interested in highlighting your company in the next directory?

The Australasian Trenchless Directory is updated on an annual basis to stay up-to-date with changes and developments in the industry.

To enhance your listing in the 2020 edition, including with the addition of a company logo and description, contact Great Southern Press Managing Editor Chloe Jenkins to discuss marketing opportunities at


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