WRH copper pipe replacement main works
Issued by: Capital and Coast District Health Board
Closing date: 5 August 2020
Location: New Zealand
Description: This WRH Copper Pipe Replacement Main Works project involves works pipes and valves as well as fittings and pipeline construction.
Newman Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade
Issued by: East Pilbara Shire Council
Closing date: 11 August 2020
Location: Western Australia
Description: The Shire of East Pilbara is seeking tenders from suitably qualified and experienced consultants to provide consultancy, preliminary design and superintendent services.
Construction of bore(s) – Dunsborough Non-Potable Water Project
Issued by: Busselton City Council
Closing date: 28 August 2020
Location: Western Australia
Description: The City of Busselton is inviting tenders for to engage an adequately skilled and experienced contractor to: (a) construct, test and equip exploration, production and/or monitoring bore(s) on Mewitt Road, Quindalup as part of the City’s Dunsborough Non-Potable Water Network Project; (b) comply with DWER requirements in relation to a Hydrogeological Assessment Report for these bores (as specified in the Drilling Licence); and (c) if required, provide the city with a report on the beneficial use (availability, volume, quality and sustainability) of groundwater available for extraction from this bore(s).
Glenkenich Water Treatment Plant Upgrade
Issued by: Clutha District Council
Closing date: 26 August 2020
Location: New Zealand
Description: Tenders are invited from suitably qualified and experienced tenderers to undertake water and sewage treatment plant construction for the Glenkenich Water Treatment Plant Upgrade.
Beechworth sewer trunk main and pump station
Issued by: North East Water
Closing date: 31 August 2020
Location: Victoria
Description: North East Water is seeking suitably qualified and capable contractors to act in the capacity of principal contractor to detail the final design and construct a sewage pump station and transfer main in the township of Beechworth, Victoria. The project context is diverse and challenging, requiring construction in undulating terrain and constricted spaces, microtunnelling within the ‘unrippable’ Mt Pilot granite and excavation and boring in Parks Victoria land and residential streets with heritage sensitivities.
Construction of Melton to Bacchus Marsh (M2BM) Interconnector Pipeline
Issued by: Western Water
Closing date: 10 September 2020
Location: Victoria
Description: Western Water is seeking tenders for the construction of the Melton to Bacchus Marsh (M2BM) Interconnector pipeline. The work involves: installation and commissioning of approximately 12 km of 600 mm diameter RRJ GRP pipe and associated fixtures; trenchless crossing of the Werribee River including design and installation of associated structures; and interaction with various landowners for construction within easements on private property/farms.
Each fortnightly edition of the Trenchless Australasia e-newsletter includes a list of tenders relevant to no-dig contractors, suppliers and manufacturers.
The information is provided by Australian Tenders, which is renowned for being an Australia-wide locally owned and operated tender notification service.
Australian Tenders is also offering readers of Trenchless Australasia an extra three months on their subscription plans.
Email support@australiantenders.com.au for more information.
For more tender information visit the Australian Tenders website.
If you have a tender you would like featured in Trenchless Australasia contact Assistant Editor Sophie Venz at svenz@gs-press.com.au