A joint venture (JV) between Origin Energy, ConocoPhillips and Sinopec, APLNG is seeking federal approval to drill thousands of new gas wells in Queensland as part of its Gas Supply Security Project.
In its referral documents, APLNG said it would construct the wells using HDD and would also incorporate this technology for drilling of pipelines under threatened ecological communities, threatened flora, threatened fauna habitat and migratory fauna habitat.
The JV cited forecast gas supply shortfalls from 2024 onwards as reason for undertaking the new drilling activity, as well as the potential for increased gas demands and increased reliance on Queensland supplies as production from Victoria continues to decline.
The new gas would be used for both the domestic gas market and the export demands of APLNG, with current appraisal data showing production from 2P resources expected to be 453.6 PJ of gas.
If the proposal is successful construction is likely to commence in 2024.
For more information visit the APLNG website.