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View the latest trenchless technology tenders

trenchless tenders

Trenchless Australasia has teamed up with Australian Tenders to bring readers the latest trenchless tenders.

Harrietville – WTP Multiple Barriers – Bore and Pipeline D&C
Issued by: North East Water
Closing Date: 06 December 2021
Location: Victoria
Description: North East Water has completed a preliminary design that will be issued as part of an RfT to the open market seeking to engage a principal contractor under a minor works contract to design and construct infrastructure to supply water from a recently completed bore to the Harrietville Water Treatment Plant. 

Bournes Lane Reservoir and Pipeline
Issued by: Tamworth Regional Council
Closing Date: 25 November 2021
Location: New South Wales
Description: Tamworth Regional Council has recognised the need for additional network water storage. To this end, Council purchased Lot 1541 DP 1167251 Bournes Lane, Moore Creek in 2011 for the purpose of constructing a reservoir. Tamworth Regional Council is seeking suitably qualified contractors for the construction of two 10 ML water reservoirs (one proposed 10ML and one future duplicate) at the site. Council is also proposing to connect the reservoir to Council’s water mains located at the corner of Bournes Lane and Forest Road.

Rehabilitation of the Eastern Domain of the former Goondicum Mine
Issued by: Resources
Closing Date: 02 December 2021
Location: Queensland
Description: A Closure Strategy has been developed for the site.  The execution of the Closure Strategy seeks to achieve a safe, secure, durable, and productive landform long term, in accordance with the Department’s Abandoned Mines Management Policy criteria.  The strategy recommends a staged approach to implementing closure works. The scope of work described in this Invitation to tender involves the execution of civil and rehabilitation works as formal closure of the Goondicum former mine site.

Underground Drainage Upgrades – Relining Program 2021/2022
Issued by: Brimbank City Council
Closing Date: 16 November 2021
Location: Victoria
Description: Council is seeking to engage the services of a suitably qualified and experienced Contractor to rehabilitate a number of existing stormwater drains within the Municipality using No-Dig trenchless methods i.e. pipe lining.

Cross River Rail – Tunnel & Stations – DICL Drainage Pipe
Issued by: Cross River Rail Delivery Authority
Closing Date: 31 December 2021
Location: Queensland
Description: Supply of ductile iron pipe for drainage service.

CCTV and Security Upgrade at West Moreton
Issued by: West Moreton Hospital and Health Service
Closing Date: 26 November 2021
Location: Queensland
Description: The Queensland Government is seeking Proposals for Design, Plan, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of CCTV Security Solution for the Ipswich Hospital and The Park (Wacol) and provides 24/7/365 support services for entire CCTV Infrastructures

Electronic Access Control System and Closed Circuit Television Upgrade Project
Issued by: Geoscience Australia
Closing Date: 29 November 2021
Location: Australian Capital Territory
Description: The current Electronic Access Control system (EACS) and Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) system in the Geoscience Australia Symonston building have been in operation for a considerable time and have had ongoing upgrades to meet compliance and security needs. They are required to be upgraded and replaced before they reach their end of life.

Each fortnight, the Trenchless Australasia e-newsletter includes a list of tenders relevant to no-dig contractors, suppliers and manufacturers.

The information is provided by Australian Tenders, which is renowned for being an Australia-wide locally owned and operated tender notification service.

Australian Tenders is also offering readers of Trenchless Australasia three months free on their subscription plans.

Email for more information.

For more tender information visit the Australian Tenders website.

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