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Live demos at 2022 No-Dig expo


No-Dig Down Under (NDDU) attendees will have the opportunity to see some of the equipment on offer at the expo in action.

With free access to the expo, attendees only need to register via the website to be in on the action.

Head along to Insituform Pacific at booth 120 to see one of its robot prototypes live cutting a 150 mm pipe.

The robot is only 1.4 m but has a 30 cm diameter. During the demonstration the robot will be placed inside the pipe, so people can see its camera working and cutting the pipe.

PipeCore, at booth 80, will also have equipment for attendees to see in action with its Picote Grabber doing a live demonstration.

The NDDU conference and exhibition will be held at Sydney’s International Convention Centre from Tuesday 14 June to Friday 17 June.

No-Dig is the only large-scale conference and exhibition dedicated to trenchless technology in the Southern Hemisphere.

For 15 years, it has drawn visitors from interstate and overseas to celebrate the best brains and most advanced technology the industry has to offer.

The exhibition trade show is free to attend, and specialist training courses are available to both members and non-members of the ASTT.

Register to attend via the No-Dig Downunder website.


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