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SECA elevates customer’s data efficiency with WinCan VX

Sewer Equipment Company (Aust), better known as SECA, is one of the country’s leading suppliers for pipeline, sewer and plumbing equipment.

The company was founded in 1967 and has been providing innovative technologies for sewer asset management for decades. SECA’s customers range from residential plumbers to councils, water authorities and contractors.

The leading edge of asset management software
Part of SECA’s arsenal for asset management is WinCan VX – a powerful software that can be used to collect pipe inspection data, organise it into a database and generate inspection reports.

WinCan VX can be used interchangeably with any of their major brands of pipe inspection cameras, can be adapted for pipe inspection projects ranging from small municipalities to major metropolises, and supports all current major GIS systems.

The software’s full-featured geographic information system (GIS) and mapping implementation make data utilisation easy – enabling users to create entire WinCan projects by simply clicking and dragging on a digital map to generate pre-populated section data, helping to increase data efficiency and eliminating human error. 

GIS and mapping make data utilisation easy.

This mapping capability allows users to create graphic layers with specific data and information. Base layers – also called “tiles” – are able to provide geographical data, including:

1. Aerial Imagery – A high-definition “bird’s eye view” of the mapped area that can grant operators information about asset locations, potential hazards and influences on infrastructure.

2. Terrain Maps – A geographical layout of the topography in the mapped area that assists in understanding the flow and risks associated with pipe systems.

3. Street Maps – An overview of roadways and other features in the area that makes site navigation and locating manholes and other important features.

Tiles are further augmented by more detailed, specific layers that provide deeper information on the pipe infrastructure in the project area. 

These layer options are:
1. Heat Maps – Colour-coded information that can be used to highlight critical areas in the project area. Heat maps are a powerful tool for the identification and prioritisation of pipes that are in critical condition. The heat map is a graphic display of any numeric variable put in by operators – number of observations, grade, total inspections, etc.

2. Rehab Layer – Excellent for determining work order. The Rehab layer is colour-coded to indicate section that have received rehabilitation, or still require it.

3. Observation Layer – Overlaid iconography allows operators to view what observations have been made in what areas. This layer helps rehab teams isolated locations for repair projects.

4. Ratings Layer – An overlay of map sections that applies ratings to indicate pipe condition and also helps identify critical areas in the infrastructure.

Perhaps most importantly for an industry that is constantly evolving and innovating, WinCan software is designed with modularity in mind – allowing users to add whatever functionality is required.

SECA - WinCan VX has powerful mapping capabilities.
WinCan VX has powerful mapping capabilities.

For use by anyone
For such powerful and versatile asset management software, WinCan VX is still user friendly. 

The software can be adapted to the skill level of the user, meaning it can increase the effectiveness of operators at all levels, empowering project leaders with data sets that can be quickly updated by workers in the field, and increasing the efficiency and autonomy of working groups at the ground level of infrastructure projects.

The user interface can be customised to the operator’s preference, and can be adjusted for use on any screen size – perfect for use during projects in the field and teams that need to run work from the van.

WinCan VX software is so useful that there are a number of councils that are actively requesting their reports in WinCan format.

Support and training
SECA’s experience and expertise in asset management technologies for the trenchless industry uniquely positions the company to empower customers with WinCan VX software. 

Based out of its Sydney warehouse, SECA is able to provide conduit training in the use of the software so that customers are able to get the most out their equipment.

In doing so, SECA provides the highest possible standards of service to their clients across the country.

For more information visit SECA.

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This article appeared in the October edition of Trenchless Australasia. Access the digital copy of the magazine here.

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