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IDS brings GPR performance to the deepest level

IDS GeoRadar - Stream DP has large wheels to navigate the rugged terrain.

IDS GeoRadar’s Stream DP is the new compact GPR array solution for the highest depth performance in 3D utility mapping.

IDS GeoRadar, part of Hexagon, recently announced the launch of Stream DP, an innovation for 3D utility mapping that uses multi-channel ground penetrating radar (GPR). Stream DP is the first of a ground-breaking generation of GPR products supporting the radical Equalised scrambled Technology (EsT), a disruptive patented technology that allows an unparalleled control of the GPR signal for a maximised asset detection in underground surveying.

GPR is a well-known and attractive technology which enables a safer investigation of the underground and many efforts have been made to overcome one of the main limitations of this technology – penetration depth. EsT is the result of a multi-year development by IDS GeoRadar’s research and development team delivering a game-changing technology to the market.

IQMaps post processing software is designed to work with very large datasets and provides a streamlined and user friendly experience through optimised workflows.

While other technologies extend the dynamic range through trace stacking and so lowering the noise level to increase penetration depth, with EsT the shallow and deep reflections are equalised with an optimal multi-gain boost and thus limitations of traditional GPR solutions are overcome with an unmatched performance offering one of the deepest sensing capabilities ever.

Thanks to EsT, the new Stream DP is able to exploit the entire radiating performance of the antenna for a full and unparalleled control of the GPR signal, performing the best noise rejection and capturing both the lower and higher frequencies for an extended depth range and an ultra-high resolution. Stream DP brings detection of underground assets to the next level – the deepest one.

Thanks to this innovative technology, the new Stream DP is able to provide unrivaled performance in underground surveying – well beyond other technologies available in the market – allowing an increase in underground depth penetration from between 40 per cent to 60 per cent compared to other GPR solutions. Boasting a massive array (30 channels in double polarization: 19 VV + 11 HH), this system provides an accurate 3D reconstruction of the underground utility network with a single scan.

Pulse-per-second integration into Stream DP’s antenna supports precise synchronisation with GPS, ensuring users achieve the most accurate positioning of data which is crucial for data alignment. Stream DP’s onboard software facilitates operations as it can collate data collected from different positioning solutions into one project for full and seamless coverage of the underground. 

The new patented EsT technology by Hexagon is able to exploit the entire radiating performance of the antenna, performing the best noise rejection, thereby increasing the dynamic range and lowering the noise floor for an extended depth range and ultra-high resolution.

The system integrates with the latest IDS GeoRadar’s software solutions for data collection and post-processing: uMap, the on-field software for easy radar data collection that provides real-time diagnostic status, and IQMaps, the post-processing software for faster and smarter data analysis. 

Stream DP is designed for superior productivity and ease of use, offering a lightweight structure for maximum transportability, hot-swap batteries for non-stop performance and multi-environment hardware configuration (rugged and asphalt in a single solution) for unparalleled versatility.

Stream DP can reach the deeper targets and provides exceptional data clarity of the subsurface, supporting professionals in their everyday surveying tasks as an innovative and highly maneuverable GPR array solution that enables a safer survey of the underground.

IDS GeoRadar’s distribution partner in Australia, C.R. Kennedy, are currently conducting demonstrations of the Stream DP around the country.

Contact or (02) 9552 8370 to book.

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This article appeared in the December edition of Trenchless Australasia. Access the digital copy of the magazine here.

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