Trenchless Australasia has teamed up with Australian Tenders to bring readers the latest trenchless tenders.
Construction of Goliah Court Stormwater Improvements 2021/22
Issued by: Transport Canberra and City Services
Closing date: 7 December 2023
Location: Australian Capital Territory
Description: A suitably prequalified and professional Contractor is required to undertake the Goliath Court Stormwater Improvements project. Construction activities include but are not limited to removal of existing and construction of new stormwater inlet pits and pipes, sewer modifications, new kerb, raised island and pavement.
Rehabilitation of Maintenance Holes by Lining
Issued by: Hunter Water Corporation
Closing date: 8 December 2023
Location: New South Wales
Description: Hunter Water Corporation (HWC) requires the rehabilitation of a number of sewer maintenance holes to address hydrogen-sulphide related concrete corrosion and other defects that increase inflow and infiltration in the wastewater network.
The Works specified herein include the supply of materials, equipment and skilled resources as well as detailed planning and design sufficient to undertake the rehabilitation of live sewer maintenance holes and the associated works.
Millner – Construction of Sewer Main
Issued by: Power and Water Corporation
Closing date: 8 December 2023
Location: Northern Territory
Description: Construction of approximately 400m of DN225 PVC sewer main and associated bends and fittings from Levi Street, Millner to the existing trunk sewer main access chamber, adjacent to Carrington Street on Rapid Creek Road.
Ellerton Estate Stafe 5 – Branch Sewer
Issued by: Greater Western Water
Closing date: 6 December 2023
Location: Victoria
Description: Colliers International Engineering & Design (VIC) Pty Ltd, in conjunction with Greater Western Water, is intending to release a Request for Tender in October for the Ellerton Estate Stage 5 Branch Sewer. The project will include:
Construction of approximately 325 metres of DN300 mm Branch Sewer as part of 211 Alfred Road Ellerton Estate – for Alfred Ferris Pty Ltd, within the City of Melton. Contractors must be accredited with Greater Western Water for the supply of works and services in Category SC1 (Reticulation/Branch Sewer ≤ DN280 or ≤ 5m in depth), SC2 (Branch/Main Sewers > DN280) and SC7 (Any Live Sewer Works).
Silverdale Estate Sewer Pump Station, Sewer and Rising Main
Issued by: Greater Western Water
Closing date: 6 December 2023
Location: Victoria
Arcadis, on behalf of the developer, Rodden Property Group and in conjunction with Greater Western Water, is intending to release a Request for Tender in November 2023 for the Silverdale Estate SPS, Sewer & Rising Main (LND/22/00802). The project is located at 2662 Melbourne-Lancefield Road, Romsey and will include the following:
- Sewer Pump Station designed by Aquatec
- 455m of DN125mm PE100 Sewer Rising Main
- 65m of DN300mm PVC Branch Sewer Main
- 5m of DN150mm PVC Sewer Main; and
- Associated connecting interim services including access track, electrical supply and 760m of DN63 PE Potable Water.
Jindabyne Sewer Pump Station 4 Refurbishment
Issued by: Snowy Monaro Regional Council
Closing date: 13 December 2023
Location New South Wales
Description: Wastewater Pump Station refurbishment. Includes Pump refurbishment, removal of steelwork and valve replacement.
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For more tender information visit the Australian Tenders website.
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