Building on its relationships with leading horizontal directional drilling companies, TRACTO Australia has delivered three new rigs to operator Superior HDD.
Based in New South Wales, Superior HDD specialises in horizontal directional drilling (HDD) on large and complex work from the telecommunications sector right through to larger pipeline projects. With a combined experience of over 40 years, Superior HDD directors James Burch and Clint Bass wanted to elevate their operations. So, they turned to a supplier they could trust.
“We felt that TRACTO has taken a proactive stance in addressing the issues that equipment owners have had in the HDD industry,” Burch said.
“From parts acquisition, advanced technologies, to ongoing support, TRACTO really stands behind the equipment.”
In 2000, TRACTO and German HDD drilling manufacturer Prime Drilling entered into an agreement where TRACTO Australia would serve as an agent for Prime Drilling’s machines in the local market.
Through this partnership with Prime Drilling, TRACTO delivered the PD150/65 and PD45/19 rigs to Superior HDD.
“We purchased the PD150/65 and PD45/19 to further our capabilities in the HDD pipeline industry,” Burch said.
With 150 tonnes of push-and-pull capability, the PD150/65 has a high rotational torque of 70,000 newton metres, making it ideal for fast, economic, and efficient operation.
Paired with its 330 kilowatts (KW) CAT engine, the machine delivers the flexibility of a smaller machine coupled with the performance of a Maxi drill rig.
The PD45/19, on the other hand, is a small, compact, and efficient rig, according to TRACTO Australia sales manager Daniel Toms.
“The PD45’s perfected design and optimised components have allowed the machine to become the choice for many HDD operators,” Toms said.
“As a compact rig, it has set a new standard of performance within the industry.”
With 205KW of power, the PD45 is capable of 19,000 newton metres of torque. The feed and pull back functions of the hydraulic power rotary head are carefully driven by an internal rack and pinion feed system.
While the two Prime Drilling machines will address Superior HDD’s capabilities within the pipeline industry, the company needed an upgrade for its mid-size rock rigs.
Enter TRACTO’s ‘King of Rock’ GRUNDODRILL 18ACS.
“We acquired the 18ACS GRUNDODRILL as an upgrade over our current mid-size rock capable HDD rigs,” Burch said.
With a stepless adjustment of torque and speed for maximum rotational power and maximum productivity, the GRUNDODRILL 18ACS makes an impact in all kinds of soil.
The rig has a fully automatic operation which ensures minimal downtime and relief for the machine operator.
As an optional feature, the 18ACS can be converted for cable-guided bores when drilling in challenging terrain and at great depths.
While TRACTO provides these industry leading machines, the company specialises in providing high-quality training, service, and spare parts.
“At TRACTO Australia, we position ourselves as more than a supplier,” Toms said.
“For us, the sale is only the first step in our partnerships with customers, and the real work starts when the drill is delivered.”
For Superior HDD, this has been an important aspect between the two companies.
“Working with TRACTO has been a great experience,” Burch said.
“We really look forward to continuing the relationship as the business continues to build and grow in the future.”
For more information, visit TRACTO’s website.
This article featured in the February edition of Trenchless Australasia.
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