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Trenchless Australasia has teamed up with Australian Tenders to bring readers the latest trenchless tenders.

Pumps and Bores Maintenance

Issued by: City of Canning

Closing Date: 10/12/2024

Location: Western Australia

Description: The City of Canning is seeking interested tenderers for the supply, service, repairs of pumps and associated bore maintenance for a period of three years with an option to extend the contract for up to two 12 month terms.
The City of Canning has approximately 135 pumps and bores through the City that require regular maintenance and testing to ensure the City’s public open spaces and park lands are kept aesthetically appealing to the public and rate payers. The City seeks to engage a suitable experienced and resourced Contractor to undertake the required works.

Smartwater upgrades at Dudley Cornell and Langlands Park

Issued by: Horsham Rural City Council

Closing Date: 13/12/2024

Location: Victoria

Description: Horsham Rural City Council (HRCC) invites suppliers to submit quotes for the reuse and SmartWater supply upgrades at Dudley Cornell Park and Langlands Park. The project includes tank relocations, pump shed installations, power and lighting upgrades, and integration of advanced irrigation systems to improve sustainable water management. These upgrades aim to enhance water reuse capabilities and support HRCC’s SmartWater initiative. Suppliers are invited to submit quotes for the required works.

Sewering Coastal Villages Rising Mains and Pump Stations

Issued by: Bellingen Shire Council

Closing Date: 13/12/2024

Location: New South Wales

Description: Phase 1 of Sewering Coastal Villages is for the upgrade of Urunga STP, due for completion in Mid 2025. Sewage from the following areas are to be transferred to the Urunga STP via a series of sewage pumping stations (SPS) and rising mains (RM).

The scope of works for Phase 2 is the transfer system involves the construction of the following:

  • Mylestom SPS and a 4.6 km DN280 HDPE rising main C to the existing Yellow Rock SPS
  • Norco SPS and a 3.7 km DN180 mm HDPE rising main E to the existing Yellow Rock SPS
  • Raleigh Industrial estate SPS and a 2.6 km DN160 mm HDPE rising main F to the existing Yellow Rock SPS
  • Upgrading of the existing Yellow Rock SPS
  • A reticulated gravity-based collection system is to be provided at the Raleigh Industrial Estate

Sewer Main Renewal Program

Issued by: Gladstone Regional Council

Closing Date: 17/12/2024

Location: Queensland

Description: Currently throughout Boyne Island, Calliope, Gladstone and Tannum Sands there is approximately 13200 sewer gravity main assets throughout the networks of various diameters, length, material and age that collect sanitary flows from the catchment and divert it ultimately to Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP’s) throughout the Gladstone region. The condition of these assets varies depending on the above properties, with some being considered ‘like new’ (previously renewed or recently installed) or alternatively those that have been identified to require renewal (either minor or major) due to a range of defects that impact the structure and serviceability of the asset.
GRC is seeking to appoint a Preferred Supplier to complete Council’s annual program of sewer main renewal works for up to three years. Years two and three of the contracts are provisional, and GRC gives no guarantee of years two and three works or value/volume of the works for years two and three.

Williams Road Horsham Sewer Rising Main Extension

Issued by: Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water Corporation

Closing Date: 11/12/2024

Location: Victoria

Description: GWMWater invites tender submissions for the Design and Construction of the Williams Road Horsham Sewer Rising Main Extension project. This contract includes the following scope:

  • Design, supply and construction of approximately 310 m of DN125 HDPE sewer rising main from the existing sewer rising main to the maintenance hole in Williams Road.
  • Design, supply and construction of an epoxy lining system for the discharge manhole.

GWMWater reserves the right to accept tenders in part. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

A briefing session will be held at Intersection of Williams Road and Mardon Drive, Horsham, Victoria, Australia, 3400 on 3 December at 11am. Tenderers who wish to attend should register with GWMWater’s Graduate Engineer, Avin James on

Sewer Relining & CCTV Program 2024-2025

Issued by: Livingstone Shire Council

Closing Date: 19/12/2024

Location: Queensland

Description: The scope of this project will incorporate two primary portions.

Separable Portion 1 – Initial MH checks for accessibility, MH locating and raising (where required), MH Inspection and report, Pipe Cleaning (Pressure cleaning), CCTV Condition Assessment, Provision of CCTV Footage, Wincan Report and Summary Spreadsheet – Refer to sample template/ format for “Summary Spreadsheet”.

Separable Portion 2 – MH checks for accessibility, MH Locating and Raising (where required), MH Inspection and report, Pre-cleaning (Pressure cleaning (where required)), Pre-Lining CCTV Inspection, Lining, Junctions – Top hats, Post Lining CCTV Inspection, Provision of CCTV Footage and Wincan Report.

Each of these separable portions will be carried out collectively by a suitably qualified contractor.

Email for more information.

For more tender information visit the Australian Tenders website.

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